Ons Archipelago

Ons vista aerea
Pertence ao concello de
2,641 Hectares: 470 ha terrestrial and 2,171 ha marine.
Outras figuras de protección
Special Protection Area for Birds (ZEPA) since 2001. Included in the “Ons-O Grove Complex” SAC.

Download the Ons brochure by clicking here. map ONs small cast

The Ons archipelago, in front of the Pontevedra estuary, is made up of two islands; Ons, the largest and still populated, and Onza, smaller and whose surface is a reserve area.

It has a coast of gently sloping cliffs and numerous "furnas" such as Buraco do Infierno and sandy areas, especially on the east coast, among which the Melide beach and dunes stand out.

A characteristic of Ons is the rocky platform that surrounds it, forming a shallow and very rich seabed.

In addition to its natural values, the island of Ons stands out for its ethnographic and cultural interest, since it had a large island population that had to adapt to living in the middle of the sea.

You can access the Library section to consult and download more brochures and resources about the Islands.

How to get there?

By maritime public transport

In high season

Easter Week, and from May 15 to September 15

The transport companies that provide these services are usually based in the ports of Bueu, Sanxenxo and Portonovo. Each season these companies establish their routes and schedules so it is advisable to consult them beforehand to approach the islands on these dates.

The daily visitor limit for the Ons archipelago in high season is 1,300 people per day, so it is necessary to have prior authorization from the Xunta de Galicia when buying the ticket from the shipping company. Access more information and permissions website HERE.

In the off season

Rest of the year

Ons can only be visited in an organized group with a guide, so visitors must contact the authorized shipping companies that organize the visiting groups.  The maximum number of visitors per day this season is 250-450 people.  The guide must be identified as accredited by the National Park, and cannot go with more than 25 people in the group.

The contacts of the shipping companies can be consulted at the end of this same page.

By private boat

The visit can be made any day of the year, but it is necessary to have the navigation and anchoring permits issued by the National Park. The form to request navigation permission can be downloaded on this website in the section of authorizations and it also indicates the documentation that must be attached. The applications, once completed, can be sent by email, regular mail or fax to the National Park offices.   
Once the navigation permission has been obtained, you can request the permissions of anchoring for those days you want to anchor in the islands. 
The daily limit in this archipelago is 60-70 anchorages/day distributed in two areas (Castelo and Melide) in the waters of the Park.

What to see?

Create the interactive map with the aspects that interest you most, taking into account that you can only walk along the routes indicated in color. 


You can also download the PDF with the map and information on routes and points of interest by clicking here.map ONS gal peq

Leaflet © OpenStreetMap contributors


The national park
  Address E-mail Telephone no. Fax
Administrative Office of the National Park: Oliva 3, 36202 VIGO iatlanticas@xunta.gal +34 886 21 80 90 +34 886 21 80 94
Visitors Center Rúa Palma 4. Casco Vello - Vigo (behind the Collegiate Church or Concathedral of Vigo)
Monday to Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (10 a.m. to 12 p.m. preferential attention to school groups)
Friday and Saturday 10am-2pm / 4.30pm-7.30pm
(Closed on Sundays and public holidays)
Shipping/Transportation companies to the Ons istands

Regular Service / Educational Groups and Visits

Name Telephone no. Website E-mail
NAVIERA NABIA +34 986 320 048 www.piratasdenabia.com info@piratasdenabia.com
CRUCEROS RÍAS BAIXAS +34 986 731 343 / +34 670 518 669 www.crucerosriasbaixas.com info@crucerosriasbaixas.com
MAR DE ONS +34 986 225 272 www.mardeons.es info@mardeons.com / comercial@mardeons.com (grupos + 30)
CRUCEROS DO ULLA SL +34 986 731 818 / +34 608 089 458 www.crucerosdoulla.com info@crucerosdoulla.com
Groups and educational visits
Name Telephone no. Website E-mail
ALVAMAR NÁUTICA +34 683 580 364 / +34 653 516 969 www.alvamarnautica.com / www.visitacortegada.com info@alvamarnautica.com
AMARE TURISMO NÁUTICO SL +34 650 410 322 www.amareturismonautico.com info@amareturismonautico.com
CHARTERTERRANOVA +34 620 220 855 www.charterterranova.com info@charterterranova.com
JULIO VERNE NÁUTICA +34 683 251 682 www.juliovernenautica.com office@juliovernenautica.com
MAR DE AGUIÑO +34 630 233 702 / +34 619 978 390 www.mardeaguiño.es mardeaguino@hotmail.com
MEDUSA CENTRO BUCEO E TURISMO ACTIVO +34 633 119 533 / +34 986 502 044 www.nauticamedusa.com centrobuceomedusa@gmail.com 
MONROA SL +34 608 182 274 www.crucerospelegrin.com info@crucerospelegrin.com
NAVIERA BAHÍA SUB +34 607 911 523 www.bahiasub.com naviera@bahiasub.com
OCEANIC AROUSA TOURS +34 648 458 116 www.oceanicarousa.com info@oceanicarousa.com
OFTEFOR CB (CORTICATA) +34 625 807 923 / +34 639 870 488 www.corticata.com info@corticata.com
RUTAS JUAN ALLO +34 672 659 484 www.rutasjuanallo.es rutasjuanallo@gmail.com 
RUTAS RÍAS BAIXAS SLU +34 609 359 141 www.rutasriasbaixas.com info@taximar-riasbaixas.com 
SAILWAY, S.L. +34 986 442 351 www.sailway.es info@sailway.es
SAN YAGO CHARTER +34 619 304 826 www.sanyagocharter.com jaime@sanyagocharter.com
SEA CHARTER RIAS BAIXAS SL +34 644 483 305 www.seataxicharter.com seacharterriasbaixas@gmail.com
SUSIACUÑA SL +34 986 229 235 www.isladeons.net susions@isladeons.net
TURIMARES SL +34 986 733 543 / +34 620 997 621 www.crucerosturimares.com info@crucerosturimares.com