Volunteering in the park

Volunteering, as stated in Law 10/2011, of 28 November 2011, on voluntary action, must always be a free decision taken by a person, executed outside the workplace and without any financial consideration. In this sense, volunteering can never replace paid work or the provision of paid professional services.

The National Park has the following volunteer programmes:


Preamar Programme

Network for Recovery of Marine Ecosystems in the GAIMTNP.

The main objective is to recover park biodiversity and marine ecosystems in a sustainable manner.

Project sustainability involves integrating conservation of biodiversity and natural resources in the local population, through highest possible participation, especially from the fishing sector, either individually or through the Fisheries Local Action Groups (LAGs). We also work with researchers from the IEO, Intecmar and Galician universities, as well as third sector entities, vocational training centres, volunteers, municipalities etc.

These recipients, partners and beneficiaries are integrated in the achievement of the following specific objectives:

Promote knowledge, management and conservation of marine biological resources, especially in the Natura 2000 Network, marine protected areas under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and other protected areas and habitats.

Recover lost fishing gear and other marine debris.

Encourage participation of fishermen in the protection and recovery of biodiversity.

Improve conservation status and the capacity for renewal of natural resources and biodiversity, by facilitating the fulfilment of environmental objectives established at international, national and regional levels.

Integrate equality and sustainability into biodiversity conservation.

Volunteering camps and fields

Xunta de Galicia's volunteering camps and fields.

The Department of Social Policy offers the possibility for Galician youth to spend their summer free time participating in diverse non-formal education activities such as games, cultural, sports and training types, which serve not only to have fun but also for personal and vital enrichment.

Environmental volunteering

Environmental volunteering activities of the Xunta de Galicia.

See the different actions on the Galician Volunteering website. 

Volunteering in national parks

The Environmental Awareness and Volunteering Plan of the Regional National Parks Agency of the Ministry for Ecological Transition is implemented via two different aspects: NGO participation as organizers of the different activities, and also individually, for people who want to collaborate in environmental volunteering tasks.

More info at: Programa de Voluntariado en Parques Nacionales.

Other volunteer activities

Other organizations such as municipalities, guilds, diving clubs, environmental and social associations, trade unions and companies often organise volunteer activities on the islands, and help clean the coast or control invasive flora. They will be made public on this website as and when organised.