Authorizations and regulations

Parque Nacional marítimo-terrestre das Illas Atlánticas de Galicia


The use of space is planned (e.g. create specific anchoring areas) to manage and reduce possible negative impacts of island visits, and limits are introduced on daily numbers of day visitors, campers and private boat anchorages.

Waters surrounding the Park contain several types of seabeds that host ecosystems of great value. They are susceptible to alteration and destruction if activities such as navigation, boat anchorages or diving continue in this marine area without adequate regulation.

Human activities on land such as camping also need regulation in order to limit crowding in natural spaces.

Click on the image to download the visiting rules:

To visit Cíes or Ons during the high season (Easter, and from 15 May to 15 September), you need to have prior authorization from the Xunta de Galicia before buying the ticket from the shipping company. You can access more information and the authorization website HERE.


Regulations and legislation

Remember that you cannot:

  • Light any type of fire, bonfire, etc.
  • Camp in places other than those marked for the purpose.
  • Dispose or leave behind any solid or liquid waste.
  • Go into areas prohibited to the public.
  • Disturb, injure, capture or kill wild animals.
  • Perform activities that destroy, deteriorate or disrupt the unique natural elements in the area.
  • Uproot, cut or damage vegetation.
  • Collect, destroy, or alter elements of archaeological, historical or geological interest, whether terrestrial or marine (note that collecting shells from beaches and seabed is prohibited).
  • Scuba dive (with lead weights) without prior authorization.
  • Engage in underwater fishing and sport fishing.
  • Carry skimmers (children's fishing nets), weapons, harpoons, underwater spear guns and other similar utensils.
  • Navigate and anchor in Park waters without the corresponding permission.
  • Carry banners or advertisements without authorization.
  • Use public address, noise systems or speakers that can alter the natural tranquillity.
  • Bring domestic animals (except guide dogs).
  • Engage in filming or photography for commercial purposes without prior authorization.
  • Bring motor vehicles (except wheelchairs).
  • Use vehicles (bicycles, motorcycles, etc.) except with prior authorisation. Only pedestrian traffic is permitted on trails.
  • Introduce allochthonous animal or plant species.
  • Fly "drones", kites or any other type of flying device without express National Park authorization.