To get there by maritime public transport

Camping Cíes

If you want to visit the archipelagos of Cíes or Ons during the high season (Easter and 15 May – 15 September) and you are coming to the islands in a shipping line, you must request your visit authorisation on

In the following cases, you must not personally request your visit authorisation on this website:

- If you want to visit Cíes or Ons outside the period specified above, please contact the shipping companies directly.

- If you wish to stay overnight in the camping sites of Cíes or Ons or any of the other authorised accomodations in Ons, please contact the accomodations directly.

- If you want to visit Sálvora or Cortegada, please contact directly the shipping companies.

You can find the list of authorised shipping companies for each archipelago on

You can access more vist authorisation instructions here