Research collaboration

Any citizen eager to help disseminate knowledge about our environment can participate in research projects that seek collaboration to expand their network of observers. Some of these projects linked to the National Park are:

Lost Cinema of the Atlantic Islands: Recovery of non-professional videos of the islands.

The local population living in the area of influence of the Atlantic Islands still treasures countless images of the Cíes, Ons, Salvora and Cortegada Islands filmed between 1950 and 1990 and often forgotten in attics or drawers. These are an important cultural asset for various creative uses such as research or artistic.

Films that are at risk of disappearance, as if sinking after the shipwreck. The objective is to look for people who have family films shot in the Atlantic Islands and ask them to collaborate by loaning their collection -and the associated memories- to the national park.

In return, they will receive not only the original films, but also a free scanned digital copy in 4K resolution. Moreover, the rescued films will become part of an archive hosted on this website, in order to disseminate and appraise them, and give access to people interested in incorporating images in documentaries, artistic works, university projects, or any other cultural creation.

If you want to collaborate by loaning your family movies, click here.

To learn more: :

If you want to collaborate by loaning your family movies, click here.

Redogal: Galician marine environment observer network

The objective of creating the Galician Marine Environment Observer Network (Redogal) is to serve as a Xunta de Galicia tool for monitoring and surveillance of marine life in Galicia. The marine environment undergoes continuous changes, whether natural or anthropogenic. Living beings act as bio-indicators of these ecosystem changes, so it is necessary to establish a marine life monitoring and surveillance network using the "Citizen Science" tool concept.  

Follow-up plan for Butterflies

Butterflies are very good environmental indicators, because of their ability to indicate the conservation status of ecosystems. This is due to their great diversity and dependence on certain ecological conditions. Worth mentioning is that their life cycle, which goes through the phases of egg, caterpillar, chrysalis and adult butterfly, is very dependent on the meteorology and the presence and abundance of plants they feed on. Therefore, any variation in butterfly populations in turn reflects environmental changes and alterations.

Hence, butterflies have long been monitored in ecological studies and in management of natural resources. One of these follow-up programmes, with a growing international implementation and geographic widespread, is the so-called BMS (Butterfly Monitoring Scheme).

It basically consists of walking predetermined routes that are always repeated in the same places, to identify and note the number and species sighted. These itineraries are replicated between 10 and 30 times a year, from March to September, so that butterflies that fly at different times can be identified.

They are coordinated by different types of research and management institutions, involving both professionals and amateur volunteers. The latter are of great importance for the functioning of the BMS, since they are the ones that carry out most transects. BMS has been used since 2015 in the four archipelagos of the Atlantic Islands National Park.


DIVERSIMAR is a tool for obtaining information and monitoring the marine and fisheries biodiversity of Galicia and the Cantabrian Sea.

The project’s objective is twofold. On one hand, due to the very nature of the marine environment, which makes data collection very costly, this tool allows the recording of marine species data and monitoring them within the study area. On the other hand, the goal is to establish a collaborative network with people connected to the sea.

Research on marine biodiversity requires information that is not always easy to obtain. The DIVERSIMAR project was created to address this need by gathering standardized and reviewed data on species distribution to help develop control plans and conservation strategies.

Observadores do Mar

The citizen science portal for marine research.

On this portal, you can contribute your marine observations by joining various research programs, thereby expanding the data for improving the results of this research for a better understanding of the oceans and the changes they are undergoing: waste, global warming, biodiversity loss, habitat disruption…