
The appraisal of this protected area depends to a large extent on the veracity and relevance of the information disseminated. Hence, and as far as possible, an important effort is made to manage this information and present it to the public in different formats (workshops for children, screenings, talks, training companies in park activities, etc.), with the help of expert staff and/or professionals in the field.

List of organised activities:

  • Guided tours to the islands during Easter and summer. During these periods daily guided tours are offered with Park guides. Some routes have been designed specifically for families with children. Registration to participate in the Cíes and Ons routes can be done in person at the information point in the islands on the day of the visit (on a first come first serve basis) or you can book a place in advance through the national park reservations website ( on some of the routes offered. 

    Remember that the shipping companies offer regular transport in this period, so participants in the routes should book their boat ticket (look at the authorized shipping companies in the "Visit the islands" section of this website) but should first obtain the authorization to visit the islands by clicking here aquí.

  • Spring routes "Discovering the National Park". This programme facilitates visits to the islands outside peak season, in an orderly and sustainable manner, accompanied by National Park guides. These tours are conducted in small groups in order to offer a maximum quality visit to this protected area.

    The theme of the routes is quite diverse and covers historical and botanical parts of the island of Cortegada such as "The secret of a woodland in the middle of the sea", and then a passage through the rocks of Salvora with its "sculptures and legends", and the little known places in Ons with the "Island and Sea" route, until you reach the history of the Cíes through a "Journey in time".

    The schedules, ports of departure, cost of transport, and number of seats offered on the routes is shown on posters in each island.

    For detailed information and to SIGN UP for the scheduled routes in low season, kindly see:


  • Activities assisted by National Park Guides: The public service national park team is formed of 6 interpreter guides, who offer the possibility of arranging guide services for park related activities like a guided tour, talks, participation in informative events, etc., whenever requested by non-profit entities. This service is only offered during offseason (that is, excluding Easter and the period from 15 May to 15 September).


  • Lectures and workshops of an informative nature, in the Park's Visitor Centre in Vigo, and also in other centres, or in the islands.


  • Educational activities: The National Park's public service team has designed didactic activities for Infant education students, as well as, for Secondary, High School, and Vocational Training students. Information on how to apply is in the section under Educational Programme


  • Other activities: Recreational activities in the islands: During peak season, several companies request Park permission to carry out active tourism activities in the Cíes and Ons islands. These activities are snorkelling, initiation to scuba diving, and kayaking. It is advisable to be informed about these activities prior to your visit. Information is also available at the information booths in the Cíes and Ons islands.