
Research and follow-up

One of the main objectives of the National Park is to preserve the integrity of its natural assets that represent the Spanish natural system, and foster knowledge about its wealth, besides contributing to the promotion of scientific research.

The Galician Atlantic Islands Marine-Terrestrial National Park undertakes research into the different Park assets. Projects carried out within the scope of the National Park relate to the monitoring of its natural resources of both flora and fauna and the interactions between the different environmental variables. Worth highlighting among studies carried out are the ones relating to the study of the marine environment.

Galician Universities and Research Centres have coordinated several recent works due to their proximity.

Monitoring of natural assets

The natural assets monitoring programme of the Galician Atlantic Islands National Park aims to monitor a wide range of environmental variables to ascertain the Park's conservation status trend and to provide support for management decisions.

Moreover, the Park collaborates with other institutions that carry out environmental monitoring and research. To that end, the monitoring system now forms part of several national and international long-term ecological monitoring and research networks, such as LTER-Spain, ILTER, Galician Environmental Monitoring Network and the National Parks Network Monitoring Plan.

Monitoring includes automatic continuous record collection by field-installed equipment, as well as, field sampling conducted by specialized personnel.

It is currently in the implementation phase and studies the following aspects:

  • Oceanographic parameters with sensors mounted on buoys.
  • Physico-chemical parameters of the coastal marine environment.
  • Network of weather stations
  • Network of hydrophones for monitoring cetaceans
  • Monitoring of invasive flora
  • Monitoring of invasive fauna
  • Ultrasound recorders for tracking bats
  • Censuses of nesting and wintering seabirds
  • Monitoring of otters
  • Monitoring of threatened flora species
  • Visitor counts
  • Fish and shellfish extraction activity
  • Development of the Spanish Ornithological Society's (SEO-BirdLife) SACRE (long-term monitoring of common and scattered bird populations) programme through the OAPN volunteer programme.
  • Development of the SEO-BirdLife's SACIN (Long-term monitoring of common wintering bird populations) programme through the OAPN volunteer programme.