Visit the Park

Parque Nacional marítimo-terrestre das Illas Atlánticas de Galicia

The basics you should know

Kindly read these recommendations before you visit the Atlantic Islands National Park:


  • This is a Protected Natural Area. Kindly read the regulations and collaborate in its conservation.

  • There are no trash bins. Carry a bag to bring your trash back.

  • Ask for information at the information points in the Islands.

  • Carry water, sun cream and warm clothing.

  • Only photos or experiences to be taken back. Leave shells, flowers, sand, etc. in situ.

  • Walk on signposted trails.

  • Seagulls and fish do not need your food. Don't feed them.

  • Coastal fauna is protected. Do not molest or touch it.

  • Note that there is a limit to daily visitors. You will need to get web authorization from the Xunta de Galicia for visits to the Cíes and Ons in peak season: To find out how to get it correctly, download this simple manual.

  • Health service on the islands is not always available, so travel time to a health centre is crucial.

  • Optional things to bring to the island: diving goggles, neoprene swimsuit, sunglasses, binoculars, sports clothing, and comfortable footwear.