Special protection areas

Papilio Machaon

Special bird protection areas (SBPAs):

  • Archipelago of Cíes ES0000001(1988)
  • Ons Archipelago ES0000254(2001)
  • Marine areas of the Cíes, Ons and Salvora islands within SBPA-ES0000499 Marine area of the Galician Rías Baixas (2014)

Special Conservation Zones (SCZ):

  • Law 5/2019, of 2 August 2019, on the natural heritage and biodiversity of Galicia; (DOG No 149, of 07/08/2019)
  • Cíes Archipelago ZEC ES0000001 (archipelago of Cíes).
  • Ons archipelago. Within the Ons-O Grove complex SCZ-ES1140004
  • Salvora Archipelago. Within the Corrubedo wetlands complex SCZ-ES1110006

Special Protection of Natural Assets Areas (SPNAA):

  • Cíes Islands: SPNAA-Cíes Islands
  • Ons Island: Within the SPNAA Ons-O Grove complex
  • Salvora Island: Within the SPNAA Corrubedo wetlands complex

OSPAR area:

  • Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic: Galician Atlantic Islands Marine-Terrestrial National Park (2008).

Ramsar Area:

  • International Convention for the Protection of Wetlands of International Importance. Site Nº2453. Declared on 22 May 2021.