What are the services available?

Faro de Ons

What are the services available?

Health care

This service is available only in the summer months and at Easter. The health care point is situated in the Curro area near the Visitor Centre.



There is no potable drinking water

Public water sources on the islands lack health guarantees. It is important that you carry water when visiting the islands since this is a windy territory with a lot of salt in the air, which facilitates dehydration under the sun. Water can be purchased in the catering services of the islands.


Public toilets

Public toilets are located both inside and outside the visitor centre.


Ons - Centro de Visitantes
Ons - Centro de Visitantes

Rest areas

These are shaded areas equipped with tables and benches. There are three areas; one next to the "Area dos Cans" beach, another next to Las Dornas beach and another next to the campsite.




Although there are many places on the islands for admiring its landscape, only some of them are considered special due to their high scenic interest and location, and hence recommended for most visitors. In Ons, the Fedorentos viewpoint is the best known as it offers an impressive panorama toward the south onto the island of Onza, the Cíes Islands, and the nearest continental zone.

Although it is not signposted as a viewpoint, the Ons Lighthouse surroundings offer spectacular views on to the Rías of Pontevedra and Arousa (with the island of Salvora at its mouth).


Ons - Miradoiro de Fedorentos
Ons - Miradoiro de Fedorentos