Where to get information?

Ons - Centro de Visitantes

Information booth in the Ons archipelago

It is located right at the end of the pier, next to "Dornas beach". You can obtain any information you need about the National Park, both in terms of services available and possible activities on the islands: information about routes, activities, accessibility support elements, loan of books, lost objects, etc. Its main objective is to offer visitors information that would allow them to make the most of their visit. This service is available during peak sea transport season.



Ons Island Visitor Centre

This centre, located in front of the church in the Curro neighbourhood, occupies the building of the old school on the island. It provides information on the island's heritage, ethnography, and its inhabitants. The centre is generally open in the afternoons during peak season.

Caseta de información de Ons
Caseta de información de Ons

Information panels and signage


The National Park in Ons has a welcome information panel at the end of the pier. It contains a specific map of the archipelago displaying services, points of interest and itineraries, as well as a general map with the location of the National Park and some basic aspects of the regulations of the natural space.


Roads are signposted.

There are also panels with information on the natural and historical wealth of the islands. There are many informative panels along the roads, in places of natural or cultural interest that highlight several aspects of the island.